Changing Plain Jane

Este blog é sobre beleza, vida saudável e lifestyle. Tenho um interesse especial em beleza sem químicos nocivos.

This blog is about beauty, healthy life and lifestyles. I have a special interest in Green Beauty.

sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012

Nova temporada da serie Plain jane MTV 21h15 Segunda-feira dia 1/10/12


In reality series PLAIN JANE, ‘ordinary, awkward and forgettable’ Plain Janes are transformed into sexy, confident women from the inside out. Each of the eight episodes features a new “Jane” not only looking for a big change, but ready to reveal her true feelings to a secret crush. With the help of British fashion expert Louise Roe, each Jane will get a head-to-toe makeover along with confidence-building skills that will help her to face her fears and try and make an important love connection.

A MTV também vai dar a temporada 1 de manha e no inicio da tarde. para mais detalhes podem ver a programação da MTV Portugal.

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